Embracing Diversity Requires Taming Some Basic Instincts
A recent family vacation to Israel and Greece forced me to briefly step back from my single-minded focus on our upcoming Diversity Innovation Forum on April 30 (click here for more info and registration). However, the powerful themes of the event colored my reflections while touring these ancient cradles of civilization, especially on the long plane rides and downtime that I spent reading Yuval Noah Harari’s brilliant NY Times best selling book Sapiens (Harper).
I had also been thinking about a recent Frances Arnold speech where she mentions biology’s embrace of diversity as the key to survival. She related it to her journey to being awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry this year but that analogy stuck with me: are human beings really driven to embrace diversity or is that just for plants and insects (and the rare Nobel laureate)?
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Steve Gilison is Head of Programs and Operations at the Alliance for SoCal Innovation. You can also find him on Linkedin and the Alliance website.